Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tone It Up 7 Minute HIIT Workout

Today, I didn't get in a workout since yesterday I failed to plan and I was feeling tired and lazy. Tomorrow is by day off and I'll be working out with my manfriend Alex and best friend Justin, but I also want to get in a TIU Bootycall. I'll be completing the 7 Minute HIIT workout I was supposed to do today along with the Coconut Core and Booty routine from the BeachBabe DVD 3 and Bikini Buns and Thighs. I decided that the easiest way to do the 7 Minute HIIT was to create a custom interval timer. I'm linking it incase anyone wants to use the timer themselves. The tricep dips and lunges were quantified in number of reps instead of in seconds so I made a guess as to how long it would be to complete 30 reps. Overall, the whole workout takes longer than 7 minutes. It's more like 8:55 per round. When you finish the first round and want to do more, just press the play button again. Hope this helps you out!!! 


Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We got out if class an hour early so I headed over to County Market to pick up some groceries. Then I went back to my apartment and had lunch. This is what I had: rice, miso soup with tofu, and a mini cucumber with Japanese mayo.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


This morning started off with an hour of Salsa Funk with Laura P. at Lifetime. Then I ate a little something and hopped on the bus for U of I. I got here and it's a serious blizzard. I unpacked and then took a quick nap. Woke up and the MTD bus I was planning on taking to Rosary at St. John's was running late so I went on a 20 min jog/walk in the snow wearing my rain boots. The snow was up to the top of the boots. Went to Palm Sunday Mass and then got a ride from my friend Patrick to the Grainger Library so I can get some work done on my lab report. I'll probably order Jimmy Johns because I haven't had proper dinner yet and it's 11:40. :P

Can someone tell the weather that it's Spring and to knock it off with this snow?

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Today's workout can be completed outside at your local park.

1) high knees
2) reverse push-ups with chin-up bar
3) step ups on a bench
4) knee hug crunches on a slide

Do these 4 exercises 4 times through
Set your timer for ten seconds rest and fifty seconds work, 16 sets

For post workout/breakfast I had a banana, a handful of walnuts, some Chex mix, and sea salt & vinegar chips. Yum!

I'm totally ready for warmer weather. I've got a song called "Summertime On My Mind" by Kelley James on my phone. I know, it's March in Illinois, but a girl can dream! While I listen to it I imagine my best friends and I are lying on the beach sunbathing. I can see my favorite bikini on the body I worked so hard to get. The feeling I get from eating healthily and seeing myself fit motivates me to go that extra ten minutes on my run and keep away from sugary junk foods. What motivates you?

Monday, March 11, 2013


I came down with seasonal bronchitis last night and I can't keep up my energy level enough to get work done, much less try to exercise and write blog posts. The only days I worked out were Friday and Saturday.

I'm gonna be completely honest. I've been eating junk food, apart from the occasional salad and orange, because I don't have the time to make anything else, and the crap I'm putting into my body is making me feel like blah. It doesn't help that for my roommate's 22nd birthday, I had a few drinks.

I'm so excited about the fact that spring break is next week. I'm going home which means I can relax and rehabilitate my poor body. I have yet another lab report due Thursday and I still have a short paper to write tonight before I can get started on the report. HELP!!!! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I haven't been keeping up with the blog because I've been both lazy and busy with other things. Tonight is Lina's birthday so I'm going to go on a quick run outside. It's 42 F and partly cloudy outside. Perfect weather for me. I haven't eaten yet because I woke up late. I'll eat when I get back and I'll take a picture to share with you. It's 12:48 currently.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Pass two exams: check.
Eat: check.
Blog: uhh.... well if you see this, then check.

I didn't get to take a picture of my breakfast, but as usual I had a banana with peanut butter. Doesn't get old. Brain food, I tell ya.

My classmate Rachel brought our class lunch. Casey's breakfast pizza with cheese, scrambled eggs, and sausage. So bad for you. So delicious!

Dinner was cold somen noodles with soy sauce, seasoned octopus and egg over-easy. Weird combo but it was delicious.

I haven't worked out yet so I'm going to get in some yoga now.